Hot Custom сет звукоснимателей на Stratocaster

(5 отзывов клиентов)


Бюджетные звукосниматели, экономия в стоимости, но с сохранением звука.

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Бюджетный сет звукоснимателей для гитары Stratocaster.
Магниты Alnico 5
Разбросанная намотка.

Бесшумные во 2 и 4 позициях.

Классический агрессивный звук стратокастера в средней и нек позиции.
Мощный, певучий, гнусавый сингл в бридж позиции. Рассчитанный на игру с педалями перегруза.
Универсальный сет, можно поиграть динамичный блюз и например хард рока поддать с дисторшен в бриджевой позиции.
Звукосниматели вымочены в смеси воска и парафина для исключения обратной связи (свист) на большой громкости.

Neck позиция – 5.7 K
Middle позиция – 5.8 K
Bridge позиция – 13.0 K
DCR +/- 5%



Вес 0.22 кг
Габариты 12 × 7 × 3 см
Цвет крышек

Белые крышки, Состареные белые (aged white), Черные крышки

5 отзывов на Hot Custom сет звукоснимателей на Stratocaster

  1. Yuri

    Awesome pups for awesome price! A great pleasure to play strat with this hot set. Was a bit hazy about them when buying. But this set is amazing! Going to buy another one for another strat.

  2. Lingman basses

    The best pickups I tryed, I’m bassbuilder, Lingman basses, but I’ve buildt some guitars too, and I’ve tryed many pickups, but these made me really happy, I decided to buy the P-bass pickup too, and hope it will be posible to get some J-bass pickups too.
    Thank you Alexander Pribora

  3. Francesco

    This set is fantastic!!! You can play all type of music, from texas blues to classi rock, the pickups are very quite, bridge pickup has something extra and a good punch while the neck pickup is more gentle and has a classic “twang” strato sound. They are very sensitive to the height setting and the distance from the strings!
    The only one suggestion that I would to send is that I would have improved the yield on the E and B strings.
    (…scuse me for my bad english…)
    Cheers from ITALY and congratulations Alexander 😉

  4. Omar Alarcón (проверенный владелец)

    Excelentes, las instale en mi Fender MIM 2013 y de verdad como muchos comentan, la guitarra cobro vida, excelente trabajo, muchas gracias

  5. Roland Gassin

    On a chinese Squier builted in 2000.
    That changed all the sound !
    My guitar is awesome now.
    I like particulary the neck pickup, a great Hendrix sound, the mid-bridge position very “strat sound” and the bridge pickup, very hot to play things you need usualy a Gibson to play with, like Led Zep songs.

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